129e Pumpkin Soup (Sop Labu)



75 grams Onion finely chopped

750 grams Pumpkin Peel and cut in 2 x 2 cm cube

250 grams Potatoes Peel and cut in 2 x 2 cm cube

2 tbs. Cream Cheese

1 liter Chicken stock

1 tsp. Curry Powder

1/2 tsb. Nutmeg

50 ml Milk

1 bunch Celery finely chopped

50 grams Spinat

1/2 tsp. Pepper

1 tbs. Margarine

50 grams Pumpkin seed roasted, as garnish

6 tsp. Sour cream as a garnish


In fry pan placed 50 gram margarine, add onion stir over medium heat until the color turn into golden. Add potatoes & pumpkin and stir, pour chicken stock simmer a few minutes until the potatoes tender.

Take the cooked potatoes & pumpkin blend and put it back to the pan. Add milk, pepper, salt, curry powder, nutmeg and cream cheese, turn down the heat and simmer to reduce the sauce.

In fry pan placed one table spoon margarine, add spinach stir over medium heat until half cook then pour it over to the pumpkin soup.Taste to see if extra salt is needed. Put the soup in the bowl, garnish with one teaspoon of sour cream and with sprinkle with roasted pumpkin seeds.